Video games keep getting in the way of accomplishing productive things! XD
This is why I haven’t allowed myself to buy Pokémon Black/White yet. I just know I would spend hours with it, which just wouldn’t do considering I need to get my Boutique started!
But yes, lately, it is feeling like the tumult is turning around and everything is turning out for the better. n_n
I finallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy started played Golden Sun: Dark Dawn.
And there was this Venus Djinni chillin in some flowers, so I was like “I’MA GETCHU” and then he dove under the flowers, so I whirlwinded him out and omg his name was Flower and he had a flower on his tail and it was such an overdose of cute I just
I just couldn’t
take it.
This whole game makes me feel like that. I am being barraged with cute and with nostalgia and all video games should do this.
Golden Sun belongs to Camelot Please respect the artist and do not use this image for any purposes (forum avatar, signature, Web graphics, banners, any personal use or commercial gain). (Exceptions?) Do not trace, copy, or alter in any way. Do not remove signatures or watermarks. Do not save and/or upload elsewhere (Photobucket, Flickr, Tumblr, etc.).
I finally prettied up my table of contents! I think that this Web site accurately summarizes my personality and interests as a whole now, and expresses this on the main page. I hope that people who meander their way on to this site can glimpse at it and at once have an understanding of the content expected to be seen on here.
The navigation sidebar on the left is about to be ravamped, too.
If you check the site frequently, you might catch it gradually filling out. XD
The bloomers I finished sewing like a week ago. XD
This one art work I finished several days ago and haven’t posted here yet even though it’s on DA and I promised myself I would update this site simultaneously with any art I posts on DA or Tumblr ARGH.
Ahhhh I am not updating this blog nearly as much as I’d like too! >A<
SO BASICALLY here are the things I’m working on now:
Reworking the layout of the Table of Contents on the home page. It will have lots of pictures and look pretty instead of just boringly listing all of the categories I post in.
Posting all of my Boutique products, making graphics for them, making sure the shopping cart scripts all work… These are all things that are happening. Right now, behind the scenes. Every day.
Some little art work doodles that I haven’t quite posted on the Portfolio page yet (like I’ve said multiple times before, follow me on DA or Tumblr for real-time updates, ’cause I post stuff there the moment I finish it).
Paid work (!!), providing art work and graphics for an RPG by Legion Games.
So, sorry for not having more regular comics and updates. ‘Tis truly my own fault for putting so many lofty goals on my plate at the same time. XD
Would you like to talk about E3? I’d like to talk about E3. LET’S TALK ABOUT E3.
All kinds of cool stuff. Cool, expensive stuff. Stuff that I’ll be admiring from afar and probably not actually have in my possession until like two years after everyone else. ;-;
I’m just gonna quickly go over a few of the games I’m interested in from this year’s E3 lineup. You won’t find extensive game coverage on this blog. If you want WiiU specs and speculations (heh!), you have a bamillion other blogs to check out. I’m going to talk about the pretty games with the cute main characters that grow flowers and make friends with monsters.
Yeah, games like Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny. I was really, really surprised that Natsume tackled this one, since Rune Factory Frontier was handled by XSeed. Natsume seems especially emboldened lately, what with their amazing localization jobs on Rune Factory 3 and Lufia. I think that Tides of Destiny is gonna be cooool. X3
What made it so surprising that Tides of Destiny was shown off at this year’s E3 was that Natsume had already announced they were going to showcase Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns. HARVEST MOON ADORABLENESS OVERDOSE.
Just look at those cuuuuute animals. <3 The scenery in this game is just spectacular.
Also, Kid Icarus Uprising. I… am a big fan of Pit. That’s all I can say on the matter at this time. I probably won’t get a 3DS any time soon, but that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate how cool this game looks.
I am so happy to have made friends with Princess Peachie. n_n She is such a total cutie! I’ve been making more and more friends on DA recently (I mean, like, within the past month). I don’t know why I didn’t start braving up and start communicating with more people before this. ;-; I think my shyness was really holding me back from making friendships, but I’ve gotten much better and I’m very happy now. <3
SO THIS PICTURE is a birthday present for her and also an entry for her Princess Peachie mascot-drawing contest. n_n
I didn’t let myself draw Peachie herself until I finished the background first. >3< Because I always slack off on backgrounds. So, this time I did the background before anything else, to keep me from being lazy and making it boring. XD The flowers are peach blossoms. <3
I WANT TO DRAW MORE OF MY FRIENDS but omg I am so busy working on my boutique. oAo Please do not think of this submission as me showing favoritism for Peachie, omg I love all of you. ;__; I promise to draw more of my friends in the future. <3 Probably for their birthdays, too. XD <3
Happy birthday, Ruth. :3
Brushes: Suddenly Spring and Colors Everywhere
Princess Peachie belongs to Peachie Please respect the artist and do not use this image for any purposes (forum avatar, signature, Web graphics, banners, any personal use or commercial gain). (Exceptions?) Do not trace, copy, or alter in any way. Do not remove signatures or watermarks. Do not save and/or upload elsewhere (Photobucket, Flickr, Tumblr, etc.).