Nendoroid figures by Good Smile Co. are sooooo cuuuute! Their chubby chibi bodies make them just so endearing and lovable.
These are really popular among collectors of anime goods and will add some serious adorableness to your display shelf. n3n
Oh, and I’m also trying out a different layout for these posts today, with larger images! :O

Nendoroid Tantei Opera Milky Holmes Non Scale Pre-Painted PVC Figure: Hercule Barton
I watched a little bit of this anime after I learned that it’s a magical girl inversion of Sherlock Holmes (with some other literary detectives thrown in for good measure). It is exactly as crazy as it sounds, and then some.
The character designs are really cute though, and Hercule is one of the cutest!! She’s the shy one of the group and her powers grant her SUPER-HUMAN STRENGTH hahahahahaha

Nendoroid Sonic the Hedgehog Non Scale Pre-Painted PVC Figure: Sonic
Sonic! He can really move! Sonic! He’s got an attituuude! Sonic! He’s the FASTEST THING ALI-III-II-I-IVE!!
And now that I’m done showing my age…
This figure comes with a lot of cute little accessories, so you can make some cool little scenes on your display shelf out of it. n_n

Nendoroid Petit Magical Girl Lyrical The Movie 1st: Nanoha and Fate Summer Memories
I’ve never seen Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, but I’ve sort of always wanted to. :O
Mostly because I love all magical girls, and because I see characters from this one a lot.

Nendoroid Sengoku Basara Pre-Painted PVC Figure: Sanada Yukimura
Another series I’m unfamiliar with, unfortunately… but I thought that this little guy was cute!!
Most anime figures are girls so I like to see some cool guys mixed in there, too!
Look he comes with cool weapons and everything. :O

Puella Magi Madoka Magica Non Scale Pre-Painted Soft Vinyl Figure: Madoka Kaname
Who’s that chick?? 😯