I Need to Show You the Absolute Nonsense Text All Over this Cottagecore Blouse
Thursday, April 22nd, 2021
Hey, all! I’m bringing this blog out of hibernation so that I can make a neat little post showcasing all of these pics of this super cute blouse I recently bought.
Laid out flat on the left, and worn by me on the right!
See, isn’t the aesthetic of this blouse just super cute? πΏ Very cottagecore, and perfect for wearing when you want to feel like a Ghibli character.
The botanical illustrations are accompanied by little blocks of text, which are meant to contribute to the botanical theme.
all of the text is absolutely bonkers.
First, a lot of the shorter text is obviously meant to look like scientific names for the plants depicted in the design.
The problem is, all of these names are completely gibberish. These are not scientific names. These are not anything. Here are a few more!:

Oh, but that’s not all that this magnificent blouse has to offer. There are also jumbled-up sentences copied from this recipe about making lavender lemonade!
And, finally, there are my favorite snippets of text on the whole garment. Here are some blurbs about… giving a Powerpoint presentation about marketing beauty products in Taiwan?
This is amazing. The “asdfhj” is my favorite part. I haven’t been able to find if this text is copied from somewhere online.
Lastly, there are a couple of miscellaneous blurbs.
The garbled text on the left appears to be a sort of inspirational quote meant to be shared online. My searches seem to want to attribute the quote to either Charlie Brown or Winnie the Pooh, but I don’t believe it comes from either of those sources. Just another case of one of those random quotes that circulates online with no real attribution.
As for the one on the right?? I don’t know?? What even is there to say about that one. It’s just random copy-pasted text, lol.
If anyone wants to buy this blouse for themselves (you can also get it in a set with a cute suspender skirt!), it’s available to purchase here. This is the same listing I bought mine through. Despite all the crazy text, it’s a super cute shirt!
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