Heya! Although it’s not quite the end of the month yet, I wanted to make this round-up post before July actually ended, because of the time-sensitive bonus that is only relevant before July 31st~
Here is what I have been up to in only the few weeks it has been since diving full-force into creating games!!:
- The screenshot above shows my most recent update. If you view the post itself, the screenshot is actually animated, and shows the scene in action!! There are a whole bunch of colorful little animated icons that serve to show what emotions the character is speaking in a cute and interactive way~
- In just yesterday’s post, I had most of the icons drawn but not animated yet!
- From Sketch to Screenshot – This post details how rough and messy my work-in-progress sketches are, where I rough out how I want the UI to look and even scribble incredibly silly placeholder characters LOL. It’s available to view side-by-side with the finished version of the same screen, just to see the difference!
- Playing with Particles: Glowy Lights & Fireflies – Fireflies always look so magical in games! This post, which also has an animated demonstration, shows off how I create pretty, soft, and glowing lights for background detail.
- Dialog Boxes & Typewriter Text – Another animated demonstration, this time showing the dynamic message boxes and text that appears within them. It’s a minor effect, but one that is massively engaging for the player! There is also a sneak peek at some actual code in this post.
- Animating Game Characters – This post, which includes an animated demonstration AND a look at the code behind it, shows how I get my art work to move around and look alive in a game.
- Drawing a Game Character – Finally, this post, which is visible for everyone so that they may get a glimpse at what kind of content is available in the rest of the feed, provides an example of how my art work grows from placeholder characters to full-color designs for the final form of the project. 🌟
There are actually a couple of other progress update posts that I didn’t even list just now – you’ll have to check the activity feed over on Patreon to see the rest!
If you’re interested in watching these projects come to life, as well as playing demonstrations as soon as playable builds are available, you’ll need to become a Patron! Please consider doing so – it is a small investment that is non-figuratively life-changing for me, allowing me to pursue this and create cute and positive games as I have always dreamed of doing.
AND!!! If I reach my first goal of $150 before July ends, I’ll be able to put those earnings toward upgrading my Game Maker license to allow finished games to be available for Mac and Ubuntu users as well as PC, in addition to being able to make browser-based games that do not require downloading at all and would be available to play freely~!
💟 Thank you so much for taking the time to read my summary of what I’ve been up to over this month, and if you’d like to help in any form, consider the links below to either become a patron or just to donate once through Paypal any small amount~