Oh my GOSH!! It has been AGES AND AGES since I posted! And I am so, so happy to be back!
I can’t say that I actually went anywhere. n_n; Just got a little burned out updating here all the time. I’ve been super active on Tumblr instead though! And drawing, of course! Always drawing~
Okay, anywhoozles, let’s roll right back into things~ Lately I have been OBSESSED with Aliexpress. It’s like Ebay, except exclusive to Asian sellers, most of which are setting up shop with their same merchandise from Taobao. And Taobao has SOME OF THE CUTEST, MOST PRINCESS-FUL CLOTHES EVER! The same products being on Aliexpress make it easier to get your hands on those Taobao brands (which you normally would need a shopping service for), and Aliexpress has the advantage of being able to cancel your order and get a full refund at any time if you feel the slightest hesitation about your order, which is the huge downfall of Ebay imo (where you have to open up Paypal disputes and possibly not even get your money back if your claim isn’t approved).
ANYWAY. Cutest stores I’ve found on Aliexpress for girly princess clothes, GO!

Loliloli Shop for Lolita Princess
This is THE JACKPOT!! Perfectly princessy Lolita clothing –
dresses, shoes, gorgeous stockings –
my screenshot above cannot fully encompass how well-stocked this store is.
My top recommendation!

While this seller has the same name as a favorite TaoBao brand,
I’m not sure that they are officially affiliated.
However, they are among the only sellers of Candy Rain
and BoBon21, so they are another store worth browsing!!

J-fashion Harajuku
Another great winner! This store doesn’t have strictly Lolita things,
but it has a wide variety of kawaii styles, and many pastel and anime/geek-themed products,
especially Sailor Moon items!

Looooook at how cuuuuute!! Pro-G Deal has manymanymany items
from the Taobao brand Bobon21,
which is for sure one of the cutest pastel brands out there!
And what’s more, Pro-G Deal recently expanded to include many
ACTUAL Lolita items, such as JSK’s and skirts!!

Liz Lisa Sweet Girls and Store No.734703 (lol)
These two are being lumped together because they have very similar selections!
They are both Liz Lisa sellers! Figured I’d link to both since even though there’s bound to be
overlapping between products, there will surely be some items listed in one that aren’t in the other,
and it’s always a good idea to shop around~

This store carries gorgeous Mori girl items!!
And though they’re not pictured in the image,
they also stock Bobon21 items and other kawaii pastel styles as well!!

DABUWAWA Wholesale & Retail, DABUWAWA & Pink Doll Trade Co.,
Shanghai DABUWAWA International Trading Co.
Three different suppliers for the lovely Taobao brand Pink Doll,
which provides some of the most elegant & mature clothing I have ever seen!

Another of the elegant & mature selections,
Artka’s clothing makes me think of something that stylish Earthy witches would wear.
The color palette is darker than the usual Larme-style Mori girl, but there is
something forest-like and enchanting about them anyway!

Soul Vision
My last featured store for the day isn’t for clothes – it’s home decor!
Living and sleeping in a pretty space is essential for all princesses!
I loooooove the bedding that they have here,
and all of the furniture and homewares are so elegant as well~
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