Hello, friends! 👋😇
Today’s post is going to be a replay (a summary of the events that happened in our game) of the tabletop game Golden Sky Stories! This is a very cute and heart-warming role-playing game, and earlier today I just GM’d my first session of it with my friends. This was my first try GMing ANYTHING and I thought that a sweet and simplified game like this would be perfect for my first go at it, especially because with GSS’s setting, I could put together a story with a cutesy and sweet storyline where the stakes are very low. 💝

The player characters are henge, a magical, folklore-style animal that can transform into a youthful human form. (Partial transformations, such as turning mostly human but leaving one’s ears or tail out, are possible as well – often these are even preferable because it costs fewer points to do so.) The setting where they live is a Japanese town in the countryside. It’s in the modern day, so it’s not antiquated (all houses have electricity and water, etc., and phones and computers exist), but things are quiet and old-fashioned there. Additionally, for the most part, the people who live in the town understand that henge exist (acknowledged in the same spiritual way that spirits of natural things all around them exist), although it’s very special to meet one.
The participating characters are:
- Tora, a cat henge. She is very wise and proper, and knowledgeable of magical things. Her appearance as a human is the eldest of the group, appearing as a 15-17-year old young lady.
- Ayame, a fox henge. She has lived a long, LONG time, and is antiquated, proud, and traditional in her mannerisms. There is also a small shrine devoted to her along the side of a road in the town.
- Ichigo, a bird henge. She is a sweet little bluebird with very limited knowledge of human civilization, and is a little spacey and clumsy as a result. She looks a bit bedraggled in her human form, with twigs sticking out of her messy hair.
- Hachi, a dog henge. Her personality is very shy and reserved, but she is filled with the wonder of youth. (Seriously, her ‘Child’ stat, which is for cuteness and charm, has the highest possible score, which is 6. The other stats are at the very minimum.)
- O-Tsuya, a rabbit henge. She is a ladylike & “big-sisterly” girl in her human form (the phrase “oneesama” was used). She loves traditional Japanese candies like mochi and daifuku, and helps to make them at a store in town that sells them.
I myself am the Narrator~
[Lines written like this are added notations as I write up this post, not things that occurred in gameplay. Furthermore, all of the events and lines in this story are a summary of what I remember from our game session earlier today, and not 100% accurate to what each player said and did.]
And now, for our story.
🌸 The Promised Pin 🌸
🎐 Scene 1 🎐
Narrator: You are henge who live in Yoyo Town, a rural place far from any bustling cities. It is surrounded by nature, with farmland and forests outside of the town. Because the location is so beautiful, it is a travel destination for tourists as well as for rich families with vacation homes there. There are some high-class locales in the town because of this, with large sculpted gardens. There is also a main commercial street of the town, but you guys are a bit removed from that right now. You are hanging out along a path that goes behind a row of houses – the back porches and back gardens of those homes are facing you, and you are a bit concealed from them behind fences or hedges. All of you know one another, because you are all henge that live in Yoyo Town together, so give yourselves Connections to and from one another.
(The players all give themselves 1 point of Connection to the other players on both sides of the Connection table, which represents their connections with others, and others’ connections with themselves. Then, they add up their Connections on each sides. The total of their connections with others becomes ‘Wonder,’ which goes towards using powers, and the total of others’ connections with themselves becomes ‘Feelings,’ which go toward making checks.)
Narrator: What form are all of your characters in right now? If you want to be in a human form, you will have to spend Wonder or Feelings, and there is an extra cost because it’s the daytime.
(O-Tsuya partially transforms, leaving her ears and tails out. Also, I remind my friends that I love them all very dearly, but “henge” is not pronounced like “henj.” The introduction of the book points out that it is “hen-gay,” like a happy chicken. Everyone remembers the happy chicken thing very well. c: )
Narrator: What are each of your henge doing as you are hanging out and playing together along this path?
🦊 Ayame: I’m reading a textbook, licking my little fox paws to turn the pages like a person does with their fingers.
(Because I laughed at this and thought it was cute, I her a Dream, which we represented in our game with a pile of Pokemon damage counters in the center of our table – you know those little colorful plastic bead-things, with the one side that’s kinda flat and the other is rounded? Yeah, those. I used this as an example to tell everyone that whenever you think a player or the Narrator does something cool, cute, or interesting, or just kind of in-character and you think it’s neat, grab one of the Dreams from the center of the table and give it to them. This is usually done without dialog; often someone will just hand one over while laughing or smiling. See what a nice and feel-good game this is?)
🐰 O-Tsuya: I’m playing with one of those ball toys with a jingly bell inside, bouncing it off the ground and catching it, and dropping it again (she pantomimes this).
🐶 Hachi: I’m chasing my tail around in circles. c:
🐦 Ichigo: I’m perched in the trees.
🐱 Tora: I’m lounging up on the top of a fence.
Narrator: As you are all playing, you hear a distressed voice coming from one of the houses nearby. It’s a woman’s voice, saying, “Oh no! Where is it? I can’t believe I lost it!”
🐰 O-Tsuya: (Her player acts out her character’s nose twitching as she looks up with interest, which earns her a Dream from me. Now that I’ve handed out Dreams a couple of times, other players get used to the idea and start doing it for each other, too.) I go over to a hedge and peek over to see.
🦊 Ayame: I transform (with ears and tails out because hiding them is a lot of points to use when no one has many), and also go over.
🐱 Tora: I stay a cat, and go under the bush, poking my head out through the leaves at the bottom.
🐶 Hachi: My character hasn’t even noticed at all. (This got a lot of Dreams from other players, lol.)
Narrator: (To coax the players to go across the back garden and approach the woman, I have her reiterate her distress.) “Where did it go? How could I lose something so important?!” She is rummaging through luggage on her back porch and throwing clothes and things out around her.
(Ayame and O-Tsuya approach her, and Tora slinks further across the yard. Ichigo flies over and perches on the roof above the woman.)
🐶 Hachi: Hachi realizes her friends left and goes over with them. (This earned another round of Dreams from everyone.)
Narrator: She looks up and sees you all approaching. She’s kind of surprised to see kids and these animals coming in. As you get closer, she sees the animal ears and tails on Ayame and O-Tsuya, and is about to be REALLY surprised – [There is a system for Surprise in the game, because encountering henge is not an everyday occurrence. Depending on the severity of the result, Surprise can result in crying out in alarm, running away, or fainting on the spot, so players are encouraged to be cautious about their powers and appearances.]
🦊 Ayame: I’m going to tell a lie so that she isn’t surprised. (We all LOL. I ask her if there is a Power she has for this, but it is actually going to just be our first normal check of the game.) “Oh, we were just coming back from school, where we were having our cultural festival. These are our costumes!” (We are all laughing at this point about the characters wearing animal-ear headbands.) I’m appealing to her with my Child score, because it’s an over-the-top way that a child would lie about something.
Narrator: Okay, this will be a good example of how checks work for everyone. If you want to convince her of this, you will need to meet a Child score of 6.
(Her Child stat is at 4, so in order to meet 6, she spent 2 points of Feelings. This was a really good example for everybody and I made sure that everyone knew how it worked.)
Narrator: Oko’s like, “Ohhh, okay, your culture festival…” It’s amazing that this worked.
(Ichigo feels safer now that they don’t have to worry about Surprising her, and flies behind some bushes, partially transforms, and steps out. When bird henge partially transform, they keep their wings. The woman sees them and comments on how cool and elaborate everyone’s costumes are, lol.)
🐰 O-Tsuya: (With all of the appeal of a very polite bunny-eared child) “What’s your name, Miss?”
Narrator: “It’s Oko. My name is Oko. Oh, I’m so embarrassed to have to admit it, but I’ve lost something very important to me. It came from someone very, very important to me.” While she talks about this person, she gets kind of dreamy, and has her hands on either side of her face (I do the same motion).
🐰 O-Tsuya: Gasps and asks, “Was it your booooyfriiiend?”
Narrator: Oko gets even more embarrassed and blushy and holds her face (I do this, and kind of wiggle). She says, “Actually, we’re engaged~”
(Everyone goes, “Ooh~”)
🦊 Ayame: “What was it that you lost?”
Narrator: Oko says, “Oh, it was a very beautiful gift my fiance gave me. It’s a hair pin, with a golden stick and a round, brown bead on the end.” She sighs dreamily and says, “He picked that bead for me because he said it matches my eyes~” Now, if someone can make an Adult check of 6, there is more information you can learn from her. [‘Adult’ is a stat that corresponds not only with maturity, but also for having knowledge of human society and understanding more complicated emotions.]
🦊 Ayame: Okay, I can make that. (She spends some Feelings to meet it.)
Narrator: Okay, Oko explains a little bit more, saying that her fiance is named Reo, and that he is the young lord of a noble family that resides in the town. Because the family is important, Oko is especially worried about losing a gift from them. It’s not that Reo himself would be mad at her, but she wants to look good for an important family. (We discuss for a little bit about Reo’s title. “Young lord” is kind of an antiquated term, but we pretty much establish that it’s a family of old money, and the kind that were samurai back in the day. Reo himself probably holds a political position in modern terms, although he is the youngest in the family so he is just an heir right now and not someone who has held a political station for a long time.)
🐰 O-Tsuya: When O-Tsuya understands this, she gets really wide-eyed and asks Oko, “So you’re going to be a PRINCESS??”
(Everyone agrees that this is Extremely Cute, and O-Tsuya’s player gets many Dreams. Lots of dreams are being passed around without me making note of them, btw.)
Narrator: She gets really embarrassed again (I do the hands on either side of the face and the wiggling again).
(Because I have to keep doing that, I remind the players that they can also give Dreams to me if they think that I did something neat. The Dreams get converted into more Connection points at the end – which for me, means making Connections from these NPCs stronger – so I remind them that giving Dreams to me means more points for them. With this explained, everyone pantomimes giving me tons of Dreams, because they want tons of points.)
🐱 Tora: I have a Power that I can use for this. I use my Power, From the Shadows, to determine where I’ve seen the hair stick before.
(There is some discussion about this From the Shadows power, which reveals to a cat something that happened even when the cat wasn’t there and didn’t see it. She spends some points of Wonder to activate it.)
Narrator: Okay, I’m going to say that, earlier, while everyone was hanging out in the alley, you saw the glint of something shining near a window that’s open and faces out toward this garden. There isn’t anything there now, so you know that it was there recently and is gone now. You all can also see this open window from where you are, and the hair stick isn’t inside and is not laying on the porch. If someone can make an Animal check of 4, there is something else to notice.
🐦 Ichigo: I will make that one! My Animal is good enough that I don’t even need to spend Feelings on it.
Narrator: That’s excellent! There is a chipmunk right by Ichigo’s feet, and it’s perked up like it has something to say.
🐦 Ichigo: Ichigo would definitely get right down and listen to a chipmunk. (lol)
(We talk for a little bit about how the rules say that henge can only communicate with animals of their own species. I thought that it would be more fun for magical animal-people to be able to talk to both animals and people, and everyone agreed that this was cool. I established that some animals will be harder to understand than others, because of different ways that those animals talk. The chipmunk, for example, is going to talk really quickly and excitedly, and everyone agreed that yes, that is exactly how a chipmunk would talk.)
Narrator: The chipmunk saw the same shiny glint that Tora did, although he saw it on the wooden porch just outside of the window. With everyone’s knowledge together, you all determine that the hair stick had been inside the window, then fell out, and now it has gone missing.
(The henge tell Oko that they will search all around for her hair pin, and that ends the first Scene.)
🐰 O-Tsuya: Oh wait, actually – O-Tsuya hands her jingly-ball to Oko and asks, “Can you hold on to this for me, please?”
Narrator: Oko nods with sagely understanding.
(Between scenes, I tell everyone that they now have a Connection with Oko, so they add her to their table and fill in 1 point on both sides. Now, Wonder and Feelings are accumulated again. The amount left over from the previous scene are kept, and added to the new totals of all of the Connections on both sides again, which are each 1 point higher now that Oko has been added. This demonstrates for everyone that making new Connections during scenes gives you even more points to use.)
🎐 Scene 2 🎐
Narrator: The chipmunk leads you to the main commercial street of Yoyo Town. Since you will be on a populated street and there are people around, what form will you all take?
(Most of the henge transform into human, now that they have plenty of points for doing so.)
Narrator: The chipmunk says, “There are two main places to go, where you can learn aaalllllllll of the information you would ever need.” He points down one way. “Over there is a great big scary beast!! With teeth!!” – but since you guys are in human form, you can see down the road and see the cute little dog there – “But the scary beast lives at a great big building where lots and lots of people come and go all the time, so it learns everything, and also sees everything that goes down this street.” You look again, and can confirm that the dog is in front of the inn, and that since it is in the center of this highly trafficked place and the dog is very attentive and checking out everything that goes by, it should see everything that goes past.
Narrator: The chipmunk also points the other way and goes, “That way is a creature with sharp, terrible claws!!” – and you guys see that it is a cat curled up on the front porch of a store. The chipmunk explains, “Somehow, that creature is able to gather a lot of information from all around the town. It always seems to be able to track things down, even though it’s so lazy and never leaves that spot!” With that, the chipmunk skitters off. Which animal would you guys like to go to? Would you like to take a vote?
(It also comes up and there is some discussion about how O-Tsuya also works at a store, and it is decided that the store that the cat is lazing about in front of is the same store where she works. Then, we take votes.)
🐰 O-Tsuya: Since that’s in front of my store, I want to go to the cat.
🐱 Tora: Tora doesn’t want to go near the dog, and definitely feels some kinship with the cat.
🐦 Ichigo: Ichigo would be scared of going to the cat, so she wants to go to the dog.
🐶 Hachi: (Shyly) Hachi wants to go to the dog.
Narrator: She wants to go sniff the dog’s butt.
🐶 Hachi: Yes she definitely wants to go sniff butts. (lol)
🦊 Ayame: I think Ayame’s canine instincts are telling her to go to the dog.
Narrator: Ayame was the tie-breaker, so the dog wins by one point. So, you guys go to approach the dog at the inn. She is a cute little shiba inu, wearing a pink cherry blossom flower in front of one ear. You all know this dog, because she lives here in this town with you and is super friendly with everyone, as you can see by the strangers walking by who are even compelled to reach down and give her ear-scritchies. Her name is Kouhai, and everyone gets 1 point of Connection both to and from her.
Narrator: (After everyone writes down their Connections) Kouhai sees you all approaching and gets SUPER excited, saying “Oh my GOSH, Kouhai’s BEST FRIENDS are coming!!” She is wagging her tail and is really happy. Everyone is Kouhai’s best friend.
🦊 Ayame: “We are looking for a golden stick-”
Narrator: “I LOVE STICKS!!”
🦊 Ayame: “With a big shiny ball on the end-”
Narrator: “I LOVE BALLS!!” (This got me many dreams LOL.) “Those are both KOUHAI’S FAVORITE THINGS!! TOGETHER!!” (Someone asks if she has seen anything like that.) She thinks about it, and does the doggy head-tilt. Then she remembers, “Wait, Kouhai DID see something like that! It was a stick AND a ball at the SAME TIME and it was AMAZING.” (Everyone is laughing so I have to wait until we have stopped before I begin to describe anything.) “Kouhai saw the stick-ball flying overhead.” She thinks about it some more, “It was being carried by a bird that looked like night-time.”
Narrator: (After an Animal check, Kouhai elaborates more.) “When the bird’s wings were open, it looked like a moon in the night-time, and it was carrying the stick-ball in its feet. It went flying in the direction the sun goes when Kouhai starts to feel sleepy.” Does anyone want to make a higher Animal check to learn something else?
🐦 Ichigo: My Animal is 4, is that high enough?
Narrator: Yes, Ichigo knows that Kouhai is talking about a black bird with a white mark on its tummy. And since you’re a bird and you already succeeded at that, I’m going to say that Ichigo also knows that we are talking about a magpie.
🐦 Ichigo: Ichigo tells everyone, “It’s a friend!” (Which everyone thinks is very cute and she gets Dreams.)
🦊 Ayame: Ayame tells Kouhai, “I know you love ear-scritchies, but what to you think of… belly-rubs.”
Narrator: Kouhai’s eyes go wide and she IMMEDIATELY is on her back, and her little paws are up in the air (I do my best to pantomime this, LOL).
(Kouhai gets belly rubs and it is the best thing ever.)
🐱 Tora: Tora decides that this dog is all right, and kitty-rubs alongside her to show affection.
Narrator: That’s very cute. Tora and Kouhai, once at odds, are closer together now. I’m going to give you one more Connection point with Kouhai because you made a good impression. [Impression Checks are another feature in the game, but we are all sort of making them through role-play rather than with the rules in the book, which feels more dynamic.]
🦊 Ayame: All right, Ayame is also going to use her Animal ability to sniff on the wind for where the bird went.
Narrator: (An Animal check is successfully made.) You are successfully able to follow where the magpie went. You have Kouhai’s information pointing you to the West – the direction of the sun going down – and with those two things together you are all led right to the tree where the magpie has its nest. And that’s the end of Scene 2!
(Everyone totals their Wonder and Feelings yet again, and has plenty of each of them. We all get the sense that there isn’t any reason to be stingy with using Powers, because there are tons of Wonder to put toward them. I’m also wondering if I should make the required numbers for checks much higher, because of the abundance of Feelings. All things to remember for future games!)
🎐 Scene 3 🎐
Narrator: You find yourselves led just outside the last buildings of the town, to the beginnings of the rows of trees. It is now the evening, so it is much cheaper to transform. What forms would you all like to take?
(Everyone decides that because they are confronting a bird, they all stay in animal form.)
Narrator: You approach the tree where there is a nest in the lowest boughs, and a little bird head pokes up over the side and eyes you all, turned sideways to peer at you. (I put on a scratchy voice.) “Who are you guys? Go away!”
🐦 Ichigo: I’m going to fly up next to it, and perch on the branch beside the nest.
Narrator: She’s a little upset. You’re all up in her territory, and she’s like, “What do YOU want?”
🐰 O-Tsuya: “Um, hello up there! We are looking for something!”
🦊 Ayame: “Have you found anything recently?”
Narrator: Ichigo, from your vantage point, you can see that the nest is FILLED with shiny things. She is looking around at all of her things, like taking inventory. She answers you, “I don’t know, I can’t keep track of it all! Go away!”
🦊 Ayame: “Did you find a hair stick today?”
Narrator: (Looks around shiftily.) “N…………… no.”
🐱 Tora: I’m going to use my cat Power, Peek Into Hearts. (She reads the information about the Power.)
Narrator: So it tells you what someone is feeling instead of what they are saying? Okay, the magpie is definitely thinking, (I don’t put on the scratchy voice and just sound really bored,) “Ugh, who are these jerks who are all up in my space and bothering me? They want my cool hair stick? I just got this hair stick. Like, I just got it.”
🐱 Tora: I tell everyone, “She has it!! She totally has it!” (lol)
🦊 Ayame: I can trade something for it. I have money.
Narrator: You have money?? (Lol. Because of the fox character’s Shrine power, she has access to the money that is left at the shrine in tribute.) That’s definitely something I’ll have to remember for future stories. There are so many problems that could be solved by just, like, buying something. (We are all laughing at this.)
🦊 Ayame: Okay, I’m holding up a handful of gold coins, and I’m like, “Look! Shiny!”
Narrator: She is definitely looking with interest at the shiny coins. She’s looking at the coins, and looking around her nest, and getting all these home decor ideas, thinking, “I can put that coin over here, and that coin over there, and I can use one of those coins as like, a stand for this other thing.”
🐰 O-Tsuya: I have a Power called Please that I’m going to use. My ears droop and I get wide, teary eyes, begging the bird to please give the hair stick back.
(We read for a second about the Power, which can be resisted if the target has a high Adult score, but it doesn’t.)
Narrator: Okay, she rummages around and, Ichigo, you can see her bring out the hair stick. It’s gold with a brown gem-like bead at the end, kinda marbly, like a topaz. (Ayame and Ichigo work together to fly the coins up to the nest as they make the trade.) The magpie holds the hair stick over the side of her nest, but she still kinda wants it because it’s so cool. She kinda starts to let it go from her beak, and then tightens her grip on it again, but then she looks at the sad, adorable bunny, and she finally drops it.
(Everyone goes, “Yaay!!”)
🦊 Ayame: I pick it up and wipe off.
Narrator: The magpie squawks, “Now go away!”
🦊 Ayame: (Turns to Hachi’s player) You should pee on her tree.
🐶 Hachi: You have to pay me for that. (L O L)
Narrator: That’s the end of Scene 3, but I’m so sad no one asked for the magpie’s name. Her name is Pickle Pee, like the weird bird in Dark Souls that you give items to. Also, you don’t get any Connection with her, because Connections are only for positive things, and Pickle doesn’t like any of you. (Everyone is dying over this.)
(With the scene over, everyone gets even more Wonder and Feelings. I also tell everyone that the next scene is the final scene, so this is where they should use up those points since they don’t carry over to future games.)
🎐 Final Scene 🎐
Narrator: Now everyone is walking back to that main street back into town, making your way back to Oko’s house. It’s still evening, so it is very easy to transform into human form. I should also let you know, this street has lots of people milling about, all on their own ways back home. What form is everyone in?
(Since there are many people around, almost everyone turns fully human, especially since they have plenty of points to do so. Tora stays a cat, however, and points out that because she has the Kitty power, no one pays any mind to a little kitty walking around.)
(I also double-check that Ayame is the one holding the hair stick while they are walking.)
Narrator: All right, as you are walking down the road with the hair stick out, a voice calls out and stops you, “So, YOU are the ones that took my beloved Oko’s hair stick! How dare you take something that was meant to be a symbol of our love!”
(Everyone goes, “Oh noo!!”)
Narrator: (Some of the characters try to speak up, but are all talking kind of rushed and tripping over one another, and the man interrupts them.) “Oko was meant to have that, because she is a beautiful angel who deserves to have something as beautiful as she is!” Even though he’s angry, when he talks about Oko, he kinda gets dreamy and starry eyed, too. (I act out staring up in the sky with hands balled up under my chin.)
🐰 O-Tsuya: I’m using my Power to Remember, which makes it so that a new character is actually someone that I’ve met before. I’m gonna say that this is someone who comes into the candy store sometimes and knows me as someone who works there.
Narrator: All right, so because you know this person, you know that this is Reo, the young lord of a political family here in town. He’s in the middle of another line, like, “If you don’t return that to me right now, I’ll-” but then he recognizes you, and goes, “Aren’t you the kid from the candy store?” (I’ve tilted my head and am squinting, and everyone is laughing at the sudden change in his tone.) Also, just to describe Reo a bit, he has long black hair, with the top layer pulled into something like a half-ponytail, held in place with a golden, jeweled clasp.
(Everyone nods, understanding that there is a theme with this guy and cool jewelry.)
🐰 O-Tsuya: (Explaining really, really fast) “We met Oko and we said we’d all help so we went over there (points) and found it.”
Narrator: (Laughing and amazed at the speed she said all that) “You whuh- you found-”
🐰 O-Tsuya: “A bird took it.” 😀
🦊 Ayame: (Seeing that Reo needs more help processing everything) “We found the hair stick to help Oko and we are bringing it back right now.”
🐱 Tora: I’m activating my Power of Fuzzy, where I kitty-curl around their legs and their Adult drops to zero. (Everyone laughs at this amazing power.)
Narrator: He has lost all composure. [This poor dude. He was meant to be their final confrontation and they’ve absolutely destroyed him with cuddliness.] You know what I thought you guys were going to do? I was afraid you were going to try to Surprise him and get him to run away. You can do that, by boosting your Henge stat with Feelings. But, this way turned out way nicer.
Narrator: All right, he’s listened to you guys and understands the situation now. He looks to the hair stick that Ayame is holding, and kind of automatically reaches for it from you.
🦊 Ayame: …I sniff at his hand.
(We all laugh at this, because she’s human right now, so we all have this image of this girl just going *snrrrrrrk* at a guy’s hand.)
Narrator: He smells like, uh, paper and ink and money, stuff he’s been working with all day.
🐱 Tora: He should smell like the hair pin.
Narrator: Oh my God, that’s so smart. Okay, yes, his smell is actually on the hair pin, because he is the one that gave it to Oko in the first place. (I give Tora’s player a Dream because she thought of something that I should have, lol.)
🦊 Ayame: Pleased to have associated the scent with him, I present the hair stick to him in a very proper, Japanese way. (She pantomimes holding something with both hands in front of her.)
Narrator: He’s a little taken aback to have it presented like that, because it’s like the same way that people present things to him all day, and he’s surprised to have a child doing the same thing so politely. He receives it from you in the proper reciprocating way and gives a serious nod.
🐰 O-Tsuya: O-Tsuya leans in near him and she says, “She’s going to make a great princess.” (It was unanimously decided that this was an amazing line.)
Narrator: Reo gets all dreamy-eyed again and sighs, “She’s already my princess.”
🦊 Ayame: Because Ayame’s human form is like 13, she’s kind of like, “Ugh, gag.” She politely turns away to make the face, though, and when she turns back she’s perfectly composed.
🐱 Tora: Tora also looks really bored, and she’s thinking, “Can we get on with it, please,” and kind of flicking her tail in annoyance.
Narrator: Reo agrees that you should all return to Oko right away. Annnnd… that is the end of the final Scene!! We can do an epilogue after this, but right now everyone gets a Connection point with Reo because you resolved things peacefully with him.
(No one really needs to tally up their points again for the epilogue, so we move right along. We also do not linger very long in this epilogue because one of the players has to leave shortly. I’m really glad we were able to get through the whole story before anyone had to head out!)
🌸 The Promised Pin: Epilogue 🌸
Narrator: It is the evening, and everyone has returned to Oko’s garden. When Oko and Reo are reunited, Oko goes in a dreamy voice, “Oh, Reo!” and Reo goes, “Oh, Oko!” and they embrace, with hearts all around them. He puts the hair stick through the bun in her hair, and everyone enjoys tea and sweets together. Oko also gives O-Tsuya her ball back, and she brings out fresh, hot tofu that she just finished preparing, which makes Ayame’s ears and tail pop out [This is a weakness attributed to Ayame’s character, lol].
🦊 Ayame: Because the ears and tail are moving around, I’m like, “Oh, uhh, these are animatronic. I’m in the school’s AV club.”
Narrator: Oko is nodding along and says, “Wow your cosplays are so elaborate!” She still believes you, it’s amazing.
Narrator: And that’s… … …THE END!!!!
(Everyone goes, “YAAAAAY!!”)
🌸 The Promised Pin – End! 🌸
Continue with the next story: 🕯 The Fushigi Forest! 🕯
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